My photo
Big ideas start from small ones. Personally I feel that to take a step forward in fashion we need to take a few steps back, we have to go back to the basics. My aim, for consumers is to avoid as much as possible the full on push for cheap imported and mass made marketed wear. Its about time, that bespoke wear is offered to customers with a reasonable end price range. There was a time, when such a service was available, why can it not be possible again? Take a look at what I have been able to offer local and international customers, and maybe bespoke wear and alternative purchases can make a difference for you and for general consumerist fashion. WWW.USTRENDY.COM/SAKINA http://www.facebook.com/pages/SAKINA-ALI/139762882706111


For further information and contact details for all models below, please email me on: sakinaalicollection@yahoo.co.uk

Lisa Gulizar
Ethnicity: Kurdish
Nationality: German
Runway: OFW, Oxford Fashion Campus, London Fashion Week, Runway Couture, Avant Garde Runway, Lapis Lizard, 
Photography: Catalogue, Dramatised Photography, also holds a full portfolio of varied shots.  

Lisa has modeled for me in the past for photo shoots, and catwalks, she certainly has model behavior, a reliable individual who takes the work involved seriously and with a great deal of confidence. For further details on height, measurements etc, please contact me directly.

Sharon Ocansey
Age: 26
Ethnicity: African Ghanian
Nationality:  British
Experience: Runway, Dramatised Photoshoot, Catalogue Photography

Sharon has worked for me as a runway model and in catalogue photography, a good attitude, and able to connect well with photographer and take on the right persona required. 
