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Big ideas start from small ones. Personally I feel that to take a step forward in fashion we need to take a few steps back, we have to go back to the basics. My aim, for consumers is to avoid as much as possible the full on push for cheap imported and mass made marketed wear. Its about time, that bespoke wear is offered to customers with a reasonable end price range. There was a time, when such a service was available, why can it not be possible again? Take a look at what I have been able to offer local and international customers, and maybe bespoke wear and alternative purchases can make a difference for you and for general consumerist fashion. WWW.USTRENDY.COM/SAKINA http://www.facebook.com/pages/SAKINA-ALI/139762882706111

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Bespoke Bargains

Here are a few items I made from the beginning of last year to now, these were all made for local customers, and are one off pieces who wanted made to measure items. All dresses were made to the customers exact measurements, they are all one off pieces, and some were made for under £50. Can't get that in store bought off the rail! Although these were preliminary designs, and I was still getting the hang of starting to sew again. But, you have to start somewhere. 

There were a lot more, but not everything was photographed, however below are a few more random pieces I was asked to make, these had to be photographed on the dress dummy as not all my customers were confidant models. 
